hi.events logo


Self-hosted event management and ticket selling platform that allows you to create, manage and promote events easily.

Getting Started

  1. Clone github repository and move to the docker compose folder
    git clone https://github.com/HiEventsDev/hi.events.git && cd hi.events/docker/all-in-one
  2. Generate APP_KEY and JWT_SECRET by running the following command:
    grep -q "^APP_KEY=" .env && sed -i "s|^APP_KEY=.*|APP_KEY=base64:$(openssl rand -base64 32)|" .env || echo "APP_KEY=base64:$(openssl rand -base64 32)" >> .env
    grep -q "^JWT_SECRET=" .env && sed -i "s|^JWT_SECRET=.*|JWT_SECRET=$(openssl rand -base64 32)|" .env || echo "JWT_SECRET=$(openssl rand -base64 32)" >> .env
  3. Run the following command to start the container:
    docker compose up -d
  4. Wait a minute for containers to initialize, then open http://localhost:8123/auth/register to create an account.